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ciel dégagé
20 oC
ciel dégagé

ciel dégagé

8 °C

Pressure :1026

Humidity : 97 %

Visibility : 10000 m

Wind : 1.07 km  (N)

SunRaise : 7H45

SunSet : 20H28

Daily events at Marquèze Ecomuseum

Every day, demonstrations, workshops and tours are offered for young and old, to learn a little more about the way of life in a Landes district in 1890.

Demonstrations of techniques show various aspects of the daily life of yesteryear: tour of the watermill, yoking the oxen, introduction to resin-tapping, meet the spinner, and more. During these demonstrations, mediators in period dress will recount and share the history, crafts and stories of these people, lost to the sands of time.

Marquèze also welcomes local partner associations all throughout the season, to present and demonstrate traditional, ancestral crafts. It’s an excellent opportunity to enjoy unforgettable encounters and discover Landes techniques, some which are still used nowadays.

Any day you visit Marquèze, you can also stroll along the airial surrounded by Landes countryside, enter the houses and discover old-fashioned furniture and fittings, taste local treats like Pastis Landais straight out of the oven, discover exhibitions at the Pavilion, meet the animals (goats, cows, chickens, pigs and other furry or feathered friends) and simply enjoy a moment to unwind, where time stands still...

Practical information

Whether you’re visiting Marquèze for the first time, you love to be organized or you’re simply curious, here is everything you need to know to best plan your trip.

Now that you have all the keys to make the most of summer in Marquèze, enjoy your holidays and your trip!

Our tips for a comfortable summer visit

While it may be nice to walk in the sunshine, here are a few tips for the high temperatures and summer crowds.

First tip: take your tour in the morning. This means you can avoid the hottest part of the day, while having time to enjoy the Marquèze village (tour estimated at 3-4 hours).

Then, we recommend organising your day well. The timetable of demonstrations of techniques is provided on the tour map when you arrive, or here. Furthermore, you can also purchase your tickets online, to avoid queueing at the ticket office.

Lastly, a shaded picnic area is available. Bringing your own sustenance means you can structure your day how you like, without having to wait in line. Bonus: lockers are available at the arrival station, to store your cooler while you take the tour, and there are multiple water fountains to refill your water bottles!

PS - our summer secret is to go and enjoy the exhibitions at the air-conditioned Pavilion! Not only are they educational and unmissable, but it also means you can avoid waiting for the train in the sun.

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