Pressure :1001
Humidity : 69 %
Visibility : 10000 m
Wind : 3.23 km (N)
SunRaise : 7H20
SunSet : 19H04
Opening hours
Getting here
Open every day from April 1st to September 28th, 2025
The Ticket office of the Ecomuseum, located at the former Sabres train station (how to get there), is 4 km away from the Hamlet of Marqueze.
The Ecomuseum Train is the only way to access the Hamlet of Marquèze (see the train schedule below).
The train journey between Sabres station and the Marquèze district takes 10 minutes.
Round trips between the former Sabres train station and the Hamlet of Marquèze occur approximately every 40 minutes.
09:30 — 12:1013:30 — 16:10
Last entry 16:00
10:10 | ———10:50 | 14:1011:30 | 14:5012:10 | 15:20 ——— | 16:10
11:00 — 12:0013:30 — 19:00
11:10 11:50 12:30 ——— ——— 14:30 15:10 15:50 16:30 17:10 ——— 18:10
🌡️ in the event of a heat wave, The last return train will occur at 5:10pm.
* The site will exceptionally be open only from 2:00 PM on weekdays from April 1st to 18th
** On April 20th, September 20th and 21th, please refer to July & August opening hours
09:30 — 16:10
10:10 | ———10:50 | 14:1011:30 | 14:5012:10 | 15:2012:50 | 16:10
11:00 — 19:00
11:10 11:50 12:30 13:10 ——— 14:30 15:10 15:50 16:30 17:10 ——— 18:10